
It was a time

For butterflies

And flowers and stars

And rosebuds.

These joys

Could have lasted


But they didn’t.


He was a dear,

Her idol.

He gave her candies and toffees

Even though she didn’t

Know him.

He told her

That he’d protect her always.

But he didn’t.


It was just

Another cookie.

A little circle of joy, which

Her idol had given her

Out of love.

She should have known

It was a trap

But she didn’t.


Everything was fine

As she ate her cookie

In his home, while her parents

Were away working.

She thought

He would give her more toffees

And take her back home

But he didn’t.


In minutes, his charming home

Was her prison

A torture chamber.

He could have

Taken pity

On the little girl

And stopped himself.

But he didn’t.


Her next cheery memory

Was in a hospital.

Locking horns

With death.

She battled to live

For so long

But in the end,

She didn’t.


The man

Her idol

Who shattered

Her smiles

And innocence,

Along with her being,

Deserves to die

But yet, he didn’t.


There I was,

A hundred miles away

Eyes glued onto

The computer screen

While everyone was protesting

Much later, when I knew,

I wanted to do something about it.

But I didn’t.

4 thoughts on “Ignorance

  1. Your emotion in a few lines; I ponder with grief; Let’s always hope for a new dawn with refreshing energy.

  2. I’m guessing this is about what’s recently been going on in India……..or just in general about things going on everywhere.
    I get this.I seriously get this.
    It’s beautiful…..the poem is just truly beautiful.

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