If Only


If only

I could break this jar

And release some fireflies

Into the world

To bring some warmth

To those little birds

Trapped in this

Undying blizzard

Dreading the moment

When they would hear

The echoes

Of fate’s words.

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If only

I could break this jar

And release some fireflies

Into the world

To illuminate

These sinister nights.

And to show some light

To the ominous wolves


In this darkness.


In this fog.


If only

I could break this jar

And release some fireflies

Into the world

To shed light on the silver linings

And banish the dark clouds.

To make this harsh reality

A mere cruel fantasy.

To whisper the magical words

Which build a little fire

Inside every tiny bird.

And to change their cries

Into lullabies.


If only

I could break this jar

And release some fireflies

Into the world

If only

It were


As easy

As that.

Just random info: Today, the 22nd of April, apart from being a Monday and the first day of my summer vacation, also happens to be my birthday. I’m thirteen years old today.

And PS: please don’t take this poem in a literal meaning. You know, with the wolves and birds…